Fourth year CS PhD Student @ UIUC / high performance data analytics / bioinformatics.
I write high performance code for analyzing and moving huge amounts of data. My tools of choice are Rust, Python, and C++. I like efficient data movements, including zero-copy and cache-friendly, efficient layouts. I subscribe to the Arrow ecosystem (e.g., Parquet, Polars). More broadly, I care about the low levels and algorithms of storing data and processing data fast. In my PhD research that was primarily applied to bioinformatics.
During my research I applied my high performance data analysis skills into developing perhaps the fastest, yet still accurate, software to infer species trees (evolutionary trees on species) in Rust (see here). The data structure behind this software is now packaged as a Python library and deployed to speed up other bioinformatics software.
I also very recently worked on supervised learning for phylogenetics. I previously was interested in functional programming and game development.
Prior Experiences
- Google / Software Engineering Intern (Fall 2023) / Large graph analysis
- Adobe Resesarch / Research Engineer Intern (Summer 2023) / Move and process video data efficiently and extensibly for downstream ML training
- Best Robustness Award, Adobe Research Code Quality Jam
- 2021 Tencent Game Jam for Youth Silver Award (Green Track) / 2021腾讯高校游戏创意大赛绿色赛道银奖